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2021. aastal toimuvad CILS eksamid järgnevalt:

25. veebruar 2021:

A2 integratsioon; B1 kodakondsus


15. aprill 2021:

A2; A2 integratsioon

B1 kodakondsus; B1 teismelised; B2


10. juuni 2021:

A1*; A1 lapsed*; A1 teismelised*; A1 Itaalias integreerumine*

A2; A2 lapsed; A2 teismelised; A2 Itaalias integreerumine

B1 teismelised; B1; B1 kodakondsus

B2; C1; C2


22. juuli 2021:

A2 integratsioon; B1 kodakondsus


21. oktoober 2021:

A2; A2 integratsioon; B1 kodakondsus

* (A1 taseme eksamid toimuvad nõudmisel)


Nimekiri Itaalia linnadest, kus on võimalik eksam sooritada.

Eksamit on võimalik sooritada ka teiste Euroopa riikide Itaalia kultuurikeskustes.  


 University for Foreigners of Siena (Università per Stranieri di Siena) has announced the dates of the Italian language exam CILS (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) for 2021. CILS is an Italian language certificate recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued by the University of Siena. The certificate is usually required to apply for a degree in an Italian university. All places where you take the exam, if you are learning Italian, want to be officially certified in your language level or want to apply for a long-term residence permit in Italy. The exam is open to anyone who is learning Italian, wants to know their language level or wants to apply for a long-term residence permit in Italy.

In 2021, the CILS exams will take place as follows:

February 25, 2021:

A2 integration; B1 citizenship

April 15, 2021:

A2;A2 integration; B1 citizenship;B1 teens; B2

June 10, 2021:

A1 *; A1 children *; A1 teenagers *; A1 Integration in Italy *; A2; A2 children; A2 teens; A2 Integration in Italy
B1 teens; B1; B1 citizenship; B2
C1; C2

July 22, 2021:

A2 integration; B1 citizenship

October 21, 2021:

A2; A2 integration; B1 citizenship

 * (A1 level exams are available on request)


List of Italian cities where the exam can be taken.

The exam can also be taken at Italian cultural centers in other European countries.