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Civil Registry – AIRE

We remind you that it is the obligation of the Italian citizen to promptly update his/her personal details and civil status.

Civil Registry

Law no. 470/1988 states that all Italian citizens who intend to live abroad for more than 12 months must register at an authorised Consulate within 90 days of arriving in their country of residence (the Civil Registry is called AIRE “Anagrafe degli italiani residenti all’estero”). The registration is sent by the Consulate to their Italian Municipality of origin.

AIRE registration is necessary in order to obtain any and all documents and certificates issued by the Consulate as well as requests for passport renewal or issuance and allows the possibility to vote abroad.

How to register with the AIRE

Applications for registration with the AIRE can be made (by an individual Italian citizen and family members) through the consular office of this Embassy by submitting a proof of stable and legal residence (ELUKOHATÕEND) together with a valid passport or ID.

From May 1st 2023 all applications for registration with AIRE will be accepted only if submitted through the online platform FastIT.

In the Fast It system, the following documents must be submitted with the application:

  • Applicant and cohabiting family member’s identity document (mandatory);
  • Signed application form (mandatory);
  • Documentation confirming residence in the consular district, in which the address is also indicated (certificate of residence issued by the local authority, residential utility bills in the applicant’s name, rental or purchase contract, etc.) (mandatory);
  • Please note that the Estonian identity card and residence permit may be enclosed, but if they do not include an indication of the address, a document indicating the address (certificate of residence, lease or purchase contract, residential utility bills in the applicant’s name) is required in addition as proof of residence;
  • It is also necessary to indicate on the form the address complete with the apartment intern number;

Only if the online platform is not available, the application can be submitted in person to the Embassy, booking an appointment at the following address:

Changes in AIRE registration data

The Italian citizen is obliged to notify his/her municipality of origin, through this Consulate, any variation to its address. The Consulate will forward any variations to AIRE to the municipality of origin.

From May 1st 2023 all applications for changes in AIRE registration data will be accepted only if submitted through the online platform FastIT.

Only if the online platform is not available, the application can be submitted in person going to the Consulate by taking a previous appointment at the following address:

For more information, please contact the Italian Embassy in Tallinn or visit the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Registry certificates

Italian citizens enrolled in the Italian civil registries (both ANPR and AIRE) can directly apply online for different registry certificates (citizenship, existence in life, residence, civil status, etc.). The issue of these certificates is possible only if you have and Italian digital identity (CIE, SPID, CNS), since this in Italy is the only way to have access to online services of the Public Administration.

The website where you have to log-in is Anagrafe Nazionale Popolazione Residente.

Penalties for not registering with the A.I.R.E.:

Citizens interested in registering with the A.I.R.E. must submit their request to the competent consular office no later than 90 days following their change of residence. This results in the immediate cancellation from the Register of the Resident Population (Anagrafe della Popolazione Residente, A.P.R.) of the Municipality of origin. Those who, having registration obligations, breach the provisions of Law no. 1228 of 24 December 1954, Law no. 470 of 27 October 1988, and the regulations implementing the aforementioned laws are subject to administrative fines, as provided by Law no. 213 of 30 December 2023. The competent authority for ascertaining and imposing the penalty is the Municipality in whose registry the offender is registered.

The procedure for ascertaining and imposing penalties is governed by Law no. 689 of 24 November 1981, Article 1, according to which “No one may be subjected to administrative penalties except by virtue of a law that came into force before the violation was committed”.