The Electronic Identity Card can only be issued to Italian citizens legally residing in their consular district, who are already registered in the consular file and whose personal data are already present in the A.I.R.E. database. (Register of Italians Residing Abroad) of the Ministry of the Interior.
For the purposes of issuing the ID card it is also necessary to have a valid tax code.
The validity of the identity card varies according to the age of the holder:
• children under three: the card is valid for three years
• minors between three and eighteen years of age: the card is valid for 5 years
• adults: the card is valid for 10 years
The request for an electronic identity card must be presented in anticipation of all the following documentation (in PDF format) to the email address:
• Request form;
• copy of an identification document (passport or identity card);
• certificate of consent from both parents (if the request is for a minor)
It should be noted that the appointment can only be fixed after the consular office has checked the personal data, resolved any misalignments and verified that there are no impediments to the issuance of the document.
Citizens of legal age:
• Request form;
• identification document (passport or identity card);
Underage citizens:
• Request form;
• 1 passport photo, in paper format of the same type as those used for the passport (ICAO criteria) for children under the age of 12;
• identification document (passport or identity card);
• act of assent from both parents
At the time of the appointment, the consular operator will acquire the photo and, except for children under 12, the fingerprints and signature, which will be securely recorded within the microchip present in their CIE and not deposited in any other place.
The cost of the document is:
• 21,95 euro in case of first issue or renewal;
• 27,11 euro in the event of a duplicate due to theft or loss.
Payment can be made by bank transfer to the Italian Embassy Tallinn to the account EE201700017004734187
It is necessary to show the bank transfer receipt on the day of the appointment (in the reason for payment, please indicate the surname and name of the applicant for the identity card)
CIE is printed and delivered by ordinary mail to the residence address (or delivery address) as in the applicant request by the State Mint and Polygraphic Institute (IPZS) within 15 days after the request of the Consulate. If the ID card is not delivered because of a wrong address, it will be kept in storage at the local postal office. When the time for storage is over, the mail is given to the local Consular Office for another attempt at delivery.
The Italian ID cards stolen or lost abroad, if they should be found, are normally given to the local Consular Office. For those who have recently lost or had their ID card stolen, and want to verify if their ID card has been found, please contact the Consular office with jurisdiction in your region for more information. It is possible to pick up these documents at the Consular Office where they have been found, in the following ways:
- At the Consular Office
- On demand of the applicant, through postal service with postal fee on his/her own expense
For what concerns the ID cards issued by the Consular Network stolen or lost abroad, will be the responsibility of the Consular Offices to communicate its finding to the owner, telling him/her that the ID card will be destroyed in case no one asked for its return after one year since its finding.
Photo for Identity Card – special characteristics according to ICAO (required only for children under the age of 12)
ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY photographs that comply with ICAO standards can be accepted.
The technical-qualitative characteristics that the photo for the electronic passport and identity card must have:
- It must be recent (no more than 6 months);
- The photo must be in colour;
- The person photographed must have a neutral expression and keep his mouth closed;
- The eyes must be open and clearly visible;
- The photo must have a white background and uniform light;
- He must not have flash reflections on his face, and especially not red eyes;
- The face must cover 70-80% of the photo from the base of the chin to the forehead;
- Focus must be sharp;
- The photo must be taken looking directly at the camera;
- Size: 35x45mm;
- The photo must be printed on high quality, high definition paper;
- The face must be well centered in the camera and therefore not in profile;
- The photo must show the person alone, with no other objects or people in the background.
- The photo must clearly show the eyes and must not have flash reflections on the lenses (tilt the head slightly);
- Eyeglasses must not be sunglasses or with tinted lenses;
- Heavy-rimmed glasses should not be worn, and the frames should not cover any part of the eyes.
Photos taken with a headdress are only accepted if justified by religious reasons; in this case the contours of the face should be clearly seen, from the base of the chin to the forehead along with both sides of the face.